Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (2025)

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (1)

There are a few extra task specific Items you will need sometimes;
Wilderness Sword
Super Antifire
Rev Cave teles or Annakarl Tabs.
Dueling rings
Burning Amulets
Dark crab teleports
All of the extra items are noted with the spots to do tasks, below.
You should swap out the Ava’s Assembler for a Max Cape if you have it. This way you always have the Slayer Cape perk and infinite house teleports.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (2)

Wilderness Slayer is by far the best method to gain points, with a specific blocklist you can get close to 300 points per hour. The exact amount of points you get per hour will depend on your effort put in per task and gear. Craw’s Bow is a huge upgrade over blowpipe.

You should disable Aviansies and Boss Tasks before doing wilderness slayer, if you have them unlocked they’ll have a negative impact on your pts/hr.

Optional You can bring a Slayer/Max cape for the 1/10 chance of repeating the same task if it’s a good one. You can also replace the construction cape with a max cape if you don’t mind risking Slayer Helm.

For efficiency, you should switch out Craws bow for Blowipe (addy) on a few tasks, those being Chaos Druid, Earth Warrior, Ice Warrior, Magic Axes, Dark Warrior and Rogues

Blocked Tasks
You don’t actually need to block tasks but blocking the worst tasks increases pts/hr drastically. These are:

  • Black Demons
  • Greater Demons (If you don’t have blocked, do them)
  • Fire Giants
    This is only 3/6 block spaces but other undesirable tasks are a much lower weighting so it’s not worth it to dedicate them a spot on your block list.
  • Bears
  • Spiritual Creatures (These are very optional, if you want a full slayer blocklist add them as skipping them is 17 pts/hr less)

Skip Tasks
These tasks are significantly longer than the others so it is worthwhile to skip these. Obviously you don’t have to skip the ones you have blocked.

  • Black Demons
  • Fire Giants
  • Spiritual Creatures (you can do these if you want Ecumenical Keys)
  • Revenant
  • Green Dragon (Only affects pts/hr by 7 if you skip)
  • Lava Dragon
  • Bloodvelds
  • Moss Giants

Burning Amulet, Chaos Temple teleport

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (3)

Burning Amulet to Bandit Camp

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (4)

Run north from Edgeville past the Zammy Wizard
Optional: If you aren’t in a hurry for points and need the pet you can do #callisto
Only 3 spawns, stay in between the trees so bears don’t hit you and hop between 2 worlds.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (5)

Black Dragons
Remember Super anti-fire. Recommended to bring a slayer cape for the 1/10 chance of repeating this task when getting a new task.
Burning Amulet, Chaos temple or Dark Crab teleport for slightly quicker
(All the way north in the cave)

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (6)

Black Knights
Dark Crab teleport run southwest

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (7)

Chaos Druid
SWITCH TO BLOWPIPE Or you can do Elder Chaos Druids with Craws Recommended to bring a slayer cape for the 1/10 chance of repeating this task when getting a new task. Paddewwa Teleport to Edgeville Dungeon

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (8)

Dark Warriors

every 6 laps or so the doors will close, that’s when you go reload cannon. Every lap you go down, hit the warriors for 4 bow hits (prioritise lvl 8 one over 145)

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (9)

Earth Warriors
Paddewwa Teleport to Edgeville Dungeon

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (10)

Games necklace to Corp, Kill 3-4 outside the cave and hop.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (11)

Green Dragons
Super anti-fire. Use Burning amulet to Chaos temple, run north east to the dungeon then east.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (12)

Use Burning amulet to Chaos temple, run north east to the dungeon then east past green dragons

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (13)

Hill Giants
Edgeville lever to deep wilderness dungeon

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (14)

Ice Giants
Burning amulet, chaos temple run northeast to slayer cave then west when you enter.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (15)

Ice Warriors
Ghorrock teleport or use Obelisk in house. Stand in the highlighted spot (Tag the only Ice Warrior that can hit you so you can hit it off spawn and kill it before it gets to you)
To speed this up a little, if you step 1 west after killing the Ice warrior in the picture, there’s another ice warrior that you can now aggro after stepping west then move back once that one is dead and switch between them both.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (16)

Lesser Demons
Optional: You can bring a bulwark for the spec. Use Burning amulet to Chaos Temple, slayer cave and run north west.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (17)

Magic Axes
BLOWPIPE Lockpick and Wildy Sword, Edge lever.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (18)

Obelisk to 13 wilderness or Ferox Enclave tele

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (19)

LOCKPICK. Either Ice plateau teleport or run from Edgeville lever.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (20)

Obelisk to level 50.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (21)

Optional: You can bring a bulwark for the spec. Optional: If you aren’t in a hurry for points and need the scorpia pet you can do your scorpion tasks there. Recommended to bring a slayer cape for the 1/10 chance of repeating this task when getting a new task. Scorpia cave, place cannon pray melee or avoid Scorpia.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (22)

Optional: If you aren’t in a hurry for points and need the vetion pet you can do your skeleton tasks there. Run north west-ish from Edgeville.

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (23)

Optional: You can bring a bulwark for the spec. Optional: If you aren’t in a hurry for points and need the venenatis pet you can do your spider tasks there. Recommended to bring a slayer cape for the 1/10 chance of repeating this task when getting a new task. Rev cave tele

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (24)

Carrallangar Teleport (Ancients) Make sure to have cannon where it is in the picture along with standing in between the tombstone and trees to block off Zombies

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (25)

Not Included above
Aviansies, Black Demon (Wouldn’t bother) Greater Demon (Can do for xp / more points an hour if you want they aren’t too bad) Lava Dragon Bloodvelds

Ultimate Wilderness Slayer Guide OSRS – Old School Runescape Guides (2025)
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